Arma Reformer: War simulation in early

In the Livestream, the developers of Bohemia Interactive announced yesterday that Arma Reforker is now available in early access on PC and Xbox Series.

It should not really be a continuation of the popular military simulation ARMA 3. Rather, it is a platform on which fans and manufacturers are supposed to build the future of Arma. This should improve engine and systems and expand the number of players until the release of Arma 4.

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Located in the 1980s, players in Arma Refork return to Everon Central Atlantic Island. Here is an overview of the playable modes from the manufacturer:

_ Conflict Connect online with other players to make authentic battles in the Cold War - as a soldier of the US Army or the Soviet army. Conquering strategically important positions, dominating the battlefield and working with your comrades to meet mission goals under dynamic and merciless conditions. Various weapons and vehicles from this historical era were modeled down to the smallest detail to ensure incomparable authenticity. The multi-player mode of Arma Reforker puts you back to the front._

_ Game Master Steer the events, first unique missions and lead the players to victory - in game mode Game Master - or plunge into a scenario that was created by an almighty creator, and fight through a dynamic sandbox in which everything can happen._

Players who hoped for an early release from Arma 4 will still have to be patient. So the sequel should only appear when the enfusion engine is ready, which can take a few more years. The developers want to gain more experience with the engine through Arma Reforker. The early access phase should go for 12 months and so far only players are accessible on PC and Xbox consoles.
