Football Manager 2023 official release. PS5 version is delayed

Soccer Team Operation Simulation Game Football Manager 2023 (FM23) has been officially released on various platforms.

FM23 (PC/Mac) can be downloaded and played right now from Steam, Epic Store and Microsoft Store.

FM23's developer Sports Interactive unveiled the official FM23 main trailer with the main characters of Manchester City's star player Rod, Children, and Alkali Gondola. The official Korean trailer can be found in the Football Manager Korea's official Instagram (@footballmanager_KR).

Football Sports Interactive Studio Director Miles Jacobson said, 'I am very happy to be able to launch FM23 today.' I was able to realize the popularity of it once again. '

The FM23 showed another new development by adding and improving the function of the core experience. In particular, the five parts: developed AI and animation, reorganization system, supporters system, official UEFA license, and achievement reorganization are noteworthy.

In addition, the Football Manager series, which can be played on various platforms, has also expanded its platform at the FM23. First, the FM23 touch version, which allows you to enjoy the core experiences of football managers, returns through Apple Arcade.

Apple Arcade is an Apple's game subscription service that allows you to enjoy unlimited more than 200 premium games in the App Store. Apple Arcade is available for 6,500 won per month after a month-free experience.

Following last year, the FM23 and FM23 console versions were released in the XBOX game pass. XBOX Game Pass Subscribers can play right today on PC and console. FM23 Mobile can also be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play, and the Nintendo Switch FM23 touch can be found at the Nintendo e-shop.

The FM23 console version for PlayStation 5, known as the newly added platform, was delayed due to unexpected issues during the platform approval process. The related updates will be guided later by SEGA and Sports Interactive.

For more information about FM23, visit the official website or the official Korean FM Instagram (@footballmanager_KR).
