Werder Bremens Klaus Filbry fights against high punishment

It was not a nice day for us, but we forte, Bremen's handling director Klaus Fiery stated at a talk with the Dachshund on Thursday evening. The association had formed reserves in order to be able to pay the predicted punishment of around 2.5 million euros. However, such an amount will obviously strike the climber hard.

Welder's application to punish offenses of the requirements in the licensing procedure more quickly found a two-thirds bulk at the DFL general assembly. The Bundesliga promoted is therefore threatened with these millions, which was communicated on Thursday.


Fiery announced that it would not quickly accept the decision. There are objections that we will fully make use of and would wind up in front of a good dish. There are excellent understanding of our situation among lots of members of the DFL, said the official.

The fact that Welder had actually earned more than 30 million euros in the summer of 2021 no longer falls into the duration of view. Bremen had revealed a revenue of around 6 million euros for the whole 2021/22 season.
